welcome to my website!
hi! i’m jessie (she/her), a 19-year-old artist based in nova scotia, canada. i create music under idialedyournumber and love working across mediums like visual art, ux design, and biology. i study audio engineering, i help operate a diy venue called radstorm, and i manage a record label called warm walk records.check out the sections below!
check out my music (& socials)
art gallery

blog posts (click the title to view!)
title | date (dd-mm-yy) | description |
new album finally | 13-02-25 | after a year and some change + my personal thoughts |
i just played the most scuffed gig ever | 26-01-25 | and my life is complete |
music piracy | 21-01-25 | a password protected guide to something that is very legal and very respectful to plugin developers |
happy happy happy | 21-01-25 | little update (stress relieved) (NOT CLICKBAIT) |
election day cheque story | 29-12-24 | very lucky timeframes |
current ups & downs | 12-12-24 | stress relieved + stress added = lol moment |
CLAM JAM | 7-12-24 | a festival i REALLY WANT TO GO TO!!! |
yesterday's idle time | 7-12-24 | periods in which i was waiting yesterday |
bored | 5-12-24 | a reflection on my day so far (despite the fact that it's 11:00am) |
cool new book on ux design! | 30-11-24 | a cool book i found about UX, and my plans for the rest of the day. |
remember 'hey monday'? | 30-11-24 | nostalgic pop-punk for those kids who enjoyed early FOB - and emo of all waves. |
the beauty of binary in computers | 24-11-24 | talking about ternary vs. binary in computer programming & explaining how they operate. |
my new pet worm (professor wiggleworth) | 23-11-24 | raising a pet worm, building an ecosystem, and many more interesting things about worms. |
🌍 hi
love, jessie
🌍 new album finally
it is currently 9:09 am and i am waiting for my first class to start. i got here super early because my brother had to be dropped off at work, so i lingered around for a while. i am so sleepy, but i'm hyped, because i get to go home at 12:30 (snow & freezing rain warning). i might livestream later or something but i'm definitely going to take a nap first (despite getting 8h30m of sleep).
anyways, as you might've seen on my social media, my upcoming album Mourning Glow is available for pre-save! it will be out on march 14th. i'm lowkey nervous about what people will think of it as it's vastly different than my last album, but i didn't make the album solely for other people's enjoyment.
i've sent the album to two people before sending it to stores, and both of them rated a 10/10, so i can't tell if this is gonna be a banger release or my dick is just being sucked rn. either way i am super excited to have more music out! i get embarrassed knowing all i have out is an album i made when i was 17.
i'm going to upload to playlists before the release so that i can feel like a good musician. other than that, i'm pretty hyped...
let me know what you think of it when it's out (and go pre-save if you haven't already)
love, jessie
🌍 i just played the most scuffed gig ever
hoping the organizers of the event don't see this but i must share this story...
so i took this fundraiser gig for an event attended by hockey parents. they were raising money for the junior hockey team to go on a trip together, and my friend's mom (who was organizing the event) asked me to play. there were going to be comedians at the event as well.
i play in a live band version of my solo project 'idialedyournumber' and we are very loud. so of course i had to warn her-- she said it would be funny, obviously I agreed.
our band just got a new lineup so i also thought it would be good practice. we've only had two practices to prepare for the show (luckily my bandmates catch on quickly). look at us!!!

as soon as we walked into the venue, i noticed that each and every single one of the hockey moms had a stereotypical "karen" haircut. the hockey dads were incredibly loud.
the other emo band (earth moon transit) & i sat down and eagerly waited for the comedians. i said "oh great, 2 bald white men" assuming it was gonna be some raunchy shit.
although i was expecting a more conservative "blue hair and pronouns" comedian, it was somewhat worse. it was like, sex joke after sex joke. except the sex jokes were so weird and out of place. they were saying shit like "yeah I know you dirty parents all think about orgies" which is like... who thinks about that all the time???
if you thought that was the worst part, you would be surprised... the next old bald white man came up on stage and started spitting about "who here has pets??? who here has had their pets lick their genitals with peanut butter??? who here has had sex in the same room as their pet??" and at this point I was like resting my head on the table in pure, utter, embarassment.
surprisingly, he also went on to sexualize young sheldon, and he said that the actor unfollowed him on twitter (i wonder why). he also said some stupid misogynistic joke talking about how he didn't know lady parts could "stretch and droop like that over time".
it was at this point i realized that i do not like stand-up comedy.
the dude goes on and on and on for another hour or so, and then it was time for us to go on.
the sound was being weird and not letting all the channels play at the same time, so we stood up there for an hour waiting for things to be worked out. they called some door prizes / bidding winners and 90% of the names called were not in the room.
i start with a slow song, the grandmas are getting lit, and i am profusely apologizing for what is about to arise.
my friends in earth moon transit were my biggest hype people and were even moshing around those fancy set up dinner tables. the parents all have DISGUSTED looks on their faces (absolutely expected). leslie of earth moon transit ended up counting the differences, and we saw that 88 people left during our set.
i also got dirty looks when i handed out the foam earplugs and the parents were too cool for hearing protection i guess.
i was sleepy af but the set sounded great with the new band, no fuck-ups, and earth moon transit was great, as always.
their set was cut off like 20 minutes early by the bartender & at this point there were about 5 hockey parents left.
end of story. tl:dr-- i scared 190 hockey moms... kind of fair though, they're the type of people to be parents of kids who would've bullied me in high school.
anyways... catch you later.
love, jessie
🌍 music piracy
aww... u know me so well...

a few people in my life have asked me about pirating music software, and let me tell u... i have done it for a long time, so i would like to share my favourite files.
disclaimer: although i have files for both Mac and Windows, depending on your computer's specific hardware, it might not be compatible.
you'll need
1. a computer (Mac or Windows)
2. a VPN (for safety)
3. torrent software (e.g qBittorrent, uTorrent, etc.)
4. to be comfortable with doing something that is technically illegal but nobody gives a fuck fr
all files listed below are downloaded from rutracker.org-- a russian site for file sharing. here is how you can install these files:1. use google translate to permanently translate rutracker.org into english
2. make an account
3. navigate to 'Download Torrent' pictured below (this is the point you should make sure your VPN is enabled)
3. your torrent client should open, then you can download the files
4. wait for it to finish uploading, then extract the .zip
5. there should be instructions that you must follow carefully in order to crack the software correctly (i personally recommend getting chatGPT to help if you're stuck somewhere)

download links
here are my personal essential picks!
digital audio workstations (windows)
digital audio workstations (mac)
this one is ABSOLUTELY essential for DI guitar. guitar rig sucks and the new version is so wonky. with amplitube, you can really play around with different amps, mics, and cabinets.
izotope ozone 11 (windows version) (mac version)
my favourite mastering plugin by far. can add lots of depth and clarity to your mix.
the best EQ ever, so many great features... i mostly just love the fact it's so easy to move the curves and create slopes full-screen.
oeksound soothe2 (windows version)
good plugin for reducing harshness!
i will add more at some point so stay tuned
<3, jessie
🌍 music piracy
i password protected this post because although it's not serious at all, this blog is attached to my professional project, and i'm gonna be sharing files here... so the password is my favourite food (all lowercase). feel free to ask me what my favourite food is.
click the 'Loading..' link below!
🌍 happy happy happy

i'm feeling alright. i might've over exaggerated the "happy happy happy" but who cares. as i've said in my blog before, i was stressed about expensive ass visas i needed to tour the US. THANKFULLY it's all paid & submitted. we did it!!! i can't wait to see everyone in the states.
i kind of moved back to my parents house but only partially. i'm renting an apartment in the city but i'm only there part-time (due to some problems). it's been a wreck mentally but hey i'm safe so let's Get This Party Started.
other than that, life update wise, i'm releasing an album in march, and i've reunited with my dog Stevie.
i'm in class so i should probably start listening because we're talking about binary code.
okay bye guys
love, jessie
P.S OH and my hair is purple now...

🌍 election day cheque story
two months ago, i worked as a poll clerk on election day. it was very chill, i was just doing work for a local senior home, but it was still rewarding and cool.
i have a few stories from that day which i might explain later, but for now, this story is about what happened after.i wanna say two weeks ago??? (i have no sense of time) i was wondering when i would be getting paid. canada post is currently on strike, meaning all of our paychecks would just be lost in the mail. i e-mailed my temporary boss & called a few numbers only to find out that i had one hour to pick up my cheque or else it would be lost in the mail.wow these people are stupid for not using direct deposit like every other employer does.anyways, i instantly stopped bedrotting, and ubered my way across town, empty stomach, no belongings, and a dream. once i pulled up to the government office, i got a text from a friend that also happened to be my poll supervisor that day. he informed me that we can pick up our cheques at the government office.i told him yeah, i just got here, there's 30 minutes left to pick it up, otherwise your cheque is lost in the mail.he's like, oh shit, can you get mine for me? i was sure they wouldn't let me, but when i asked if that would be possible, they said yes as long as he sends me a picture of his ID.i dropped it off at his house, then i went home and ate popeye's (as a reward for all my hard work).i just find it so crazy how both my friend and i instinctively wondered about our election payments, less than an hour before they'd be unavailable.life is crazyyyy.......
love, jessie
🌍 current ups & downs
i promise i'll get back to mindlessly wikiasurfing soon... i just have some obstacles keeping me from doing that at this current moment. but first... a celebration...
y'all... i finished my first semester at audio production school!!! and i'm so excited for the next semester!!! it's genuinely so much fun to learn more about audio production and work on assignments. also-- having access to a studio worth $2M is so beautiful, i'm gonna record so much shit here. anyways, i submitted my last assignments, and my teachers, classmates, and I went to a bar after school. it was really fun, so nice to be in a room full of like-minded people.
i'm very content with the people and pasttimes in my life right now, but financially, i am struggling heavy. affording rent, groceries, and small day-to-day things (garbage bags, toilet paper, etc.) is impossible. getting paid from music is complicated. some months, i feel like i own a yacht and 5 beach houses. other months, it's like water soup on the daily. right now, which is literally the worst time to be poor, i need to raise $1700+ to afford my work visas for tour next year.
i'm doing everything i can to raise money. i'm running fundraiser shows, i'm working a temp job, and i started a GoFundMe which currently has $100 in it. if worse comes to worse, i MIGHT be able to borrow money from someone, but i don't know if i can count on that. i really hope it works out, because we pretty much have our funding for the tour itself, but visa costs are NIGHTMARISH.
i don't even live extremely far from the US border, but DAMN, that's an expensive price just to play some silly little emo songs everywhere. i hate capitalism and the government, but who in Halifax doesn't, lol.
anyways, a million dollars could solve all my problems, but genuinely, I'm happy! my medication is working too. less bad thoughts now!
love, jessie
alright y'all. nobody understands how important to me this is, and I've been freaking out about it for over 24 hours. of course i have to blog it...my friend tyler (quahog emo adjacent, showrunner & memepage based in RI, USA) just announced a new festival he is running.

BASICALLY, the entire bill is INFESTED with
-my BEST friends of all-time
-my FAVOURITE bands (like literally this bill just looks like my Spotify playlist)
and bands that I miss!!!a lot of these bands here, I've worked with through my record label. Camping In Alaska are some of my best friends, and their manager Ashleigh of Sluicefest. I'm friends with Newfound Interest, godfuck, Oolong, Ogbert The Nerd, and a bunch of other bands on this bill. Your Arms Are My Cocoon even stayed at my apartment when we played a show together so it'd be cool to see those guys again.most importantly, my absolute BEST FRIEND OF ALL TIME colby (pictured in the image, the commenter with the silly emoji profile picture) is planning on going, and I can NOT miss out on meeting him and so many other friends.not to toot my own horn as well but my project idialedyournumber is a little popular with these folks on the bill, i could probably find a bunch of new opportunities at this event.with all love and respect, I will bawl my eyes out and become a hermit if I don't get to go to this. i'm praying to the emo gods--please let me in....BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET IT!!! I NEED TO HEAR GET IN THE ROBOT, BIKE COPS (OGBERT), LITERALLY ANY OOLONG SONG ESPECIALLY WELCOME TO DESTINY ISLAND, I NEED TO HEAR END OF EVERYTHING BY GODFUCK, I NEED TO HEAR CAMPING IN ALASKA'S WHOLE SETLIST, I NEED TO HEAR LIKE SO MANY SONGS THESE BANDS HAVE WRITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so hopefully this helps you understand.
love, jessie
🌍 yesterday's idle time
yesterday was quite shitty!
i celebrated with friends the night before knowing i had two finals the next day.
luckily i was all good by the time i arrived at school, but it was so hard navigating the day.
i waited so much with absolutely everything so i will tell you the periods of time in which i was idle.disclaimer: i am blogging about this because i was patient enough to sit through it and not complain. (except to my boyfriend)6:00am-8:30am: loss of sleep, waiting to shower, waiting to feel okay enough to get out of bed.
8:30am-9:30am: 3 bus rides, 2 of which i had to sprint towards.
9:40am-1:30pm: the final for my live sound production class was cancelled, and class ended very early.
1:30pm-3:00pm: part of the final in music theory was having to wait outside and be individually tested.
4:00-7:00: the buses were delayed for an ungodly time. like wtf. it took me 3 hours instead of 1 to get home. it was dark when i came back.
7:00-??:??: waiting to wake up to a better day.thanks for listening to my waiting game.
love, jessie
🌍 bored

I know i'm like an adult (sort of) and have my own free will to leave school whenever I want... but it's not a good idea because I have a bunch of work to do. I'm just gonna stay here so that I'm caught up. but it's only 11am and it feels like I've been here for too long. I have my laptop, I can blog, I can do whatever I want, but the music production studio is so far underground and the silence hurts my ears a little bit.I'm just dreading today because I have a bunch of work I have to do. i gotta keep reassuring myself that i'm in fun school and my busy work is nowhere near as awful as high school (math/science/etc).I need to work on an audio project til the day ends, have a lecture on mastering, study for my music theory final, then I'm refurbishing a system for the venue from 7pm-9pm.I want it to be Saturdayand I want the deadlines to GO AWAYespecially for work visa stuff
🌍 my new pet worm (professor wiggleworth)
hello all! this blog post is dedicated to the documentation of my pet worm--as you probably read from the title, his name is professor wiggleworth. i found him last night on the sidewalk and built him an ecosystem, and since worms are quite low-maintenance, i decided to keep him for my own.before you ask me why he's gendered, he is a he because i chose that for him. worms have both male and female reproductive parts, therefore worms are not really gendered, and for the sake of convenience and domestication, professor wiggleworth is male.let's begin with how i built his ecosystem, and then i will explain how you can take care of a worm (if you are interested in keeping one).>after a classy glass of wine, i felt quite sleep deprived, i ended up staying up until 5am because i had a lot of racing thoughts, and nothing I had to do tomorrow.
>i decided to venture out in the middle of a foggy, rainy night--to search for the worm of my dreams.
>i already came up with the name, just needed to build the ecosystem & find the worm.
>i left the house in my winter jacket and flip flops, holding a semi-large plastic container, a spoon, my phone, and a dream.
>i walked to the nearest park, and picked up some pebbles + sand from the baseball field. this is because worms like this texture at the bottom of whatever soil they're in. it simulates their regular ecosystem in a way that will make my new worm feel comfortable.
>i grabbed my spoon and found a moist area of soil. i dug it up, and lightly packed it into the container.
>i garnished my new ecosystem with grass, leaves, and plants that the worm might like to have.
then, it was time for me to seek a worm.
>the first worm i saw was small. i dampened my hands in order not to salt/dry the worm out, and picked it up. the worm did not seem interested in this premium worm life so i left him alone. i kind of wanted a bigger worm anyways.
>the second worm i saw was bigger. i tried to pick her up, and same thing. i just wasn't feeling the wiggleworth energy i guess.
>finally, the third worm was big, a healthy colour, and easy to get in my ecosystem. i have found my professor.
>the worm was happily wiggling around, eager to discover the new soil and lovely collection of micro-organisms and minerals.
>once professor wiggleworth moved in, i covered the container with a plastic wrap that had holes poked into it, and put his home in my drawer so that he is cool and in the dark. i tapped him with my dampened hand and whispered the words "good night little buddy".

now--here are some disclaimers and rules to take care of your own pet worm.
- you are allowed to pet your worm, as long as you are very gentle, and your hands are dampened in order to not dry them out. worms absorb oxygen through the moisture in their skin, and touching them with dry things (or giving them dry soil) is unhealthy for them.
- don't expose your worm to the sun or bright lights - they love to chill in the dark. i personally put mine in my underwear drawer.
- the ecosystem should never smell bad, just earthy. if your soil smells bad, place your worm on wet paper towels temporarily, and pack your ecosystem with some new, moist, and hopefully uncompromised soil.
- you should feed your worm once or twice a week, but nothing salty or citrus. worms love tiny (approx. 1 inch) fruits or vegetables. you can dig a small piece of lettuce into the soil and your worm will be set for two weeks. how convenient!
- you'll have to mist the soil every couple weeks too so that it doesn't dry out. you can spray water on it or dampen the soil with a soaking rag.
that's it!
i honestly hope more people grow more empathy for worms and other ordinary creatures, but they should never feel guilty for accidentally harming a worm's life. they have evolved to blend into the environment, and humans should not feel that they are responsible to check for worms. focus on your own life--and if you would like to keep a worm, bookmark this blog entry.
i love you and i love writing here.
love, jessiePS: check out his sticky note decorations. my roommate meagan made him a nametag and i wrote a note for my lovely sleeping boyfriend so that he doesn't question me about the container of soil in our room.

🌍 remember 'hey' monday ?
i've been a fan of emo music for a long time-- especially emo derived from the hardcore scene. i find so much beauty in what comprises first wave, second wave, etc. listening to moss icon, the hated, indian summer, and revival bands such as camping in alaska and macseal-- those bands have gotten me through highschool. it didn't help for my social life, but i still hold this genre of music dearly to my heart.anywho, i was on the bus, shuffling my big main playlist (which means I'm bored and have no fucking clue what I want to listen to). i remembered, due to my upbringing of fall out boy and paramore, a band i used to listen to back in the day called 'hey monday'.imma be honest, their shit STILL goes hard. especially the unreleased(?) track titled "Fall Into Me". the singer makes sick af music now, her name's cassadee pope, check her out.
anyways, just spreading the word of some good, possibly forgotten music.check out the band's music here !
🌍 the beauty of binary in computers
i decided to make this post inspired by @beng - he posted a link about ternary computers to the #wikia-surf channel on a blog discord server. i was aware of the concept but reading it again sparked some interest in me.
a ternary (aka trinary) computer is simply an alternative to a binary computer-- instead of operating with 0s and 1s, a balanced ternary uses -1, 0, and 1, and an unbalanced ternary operates with 0s, 1s, and 2s. these computers only really exist in scientific contexts now, since binary ended up being way better to program and manufacture.anyways, the benefit of having three digits (or "base 3") in a ternary computer, is that it processes information more efficiently for certain processes. binary is just fine for usage so no need to be rewiring your shit.
if anyone's reading this, and still doesn't understand what 0s and 1s truly mean, i will write a guide right here to demonstrate.0 = electricity off, no charge
and 1 = electricity on, charge
bit = the smallest unit of data (comparable to an atom in the human world)with ternary computers, it gets a little more complicated. basically, they're just dividing the voltage into sections, making processes more efficient, even though binary still surpassed them in the market. they can use positive, negative, and zero voltages.
okay back to binary: so a bit is a 0 or 1, and 8 bits make a byte, which is a combination of 256 operations such as creating a letter or number. for example, a 01000001 amounts to an A.
basically beyond that, to make the computer a computer, there are little machines that work together to process these bits. these include transistors and logic gates = little machines that process the 0s and 1s to perform operations such as subtraction or addition
so once that hardware is established, the modern computer is programmed with an OS (or installed i guess lmao), then programs can be made through there.
ternary computers would suck to use now because you'd have to somehow convert those codes and develop your own things. good luck programming your own alternative computer. just use binary guyslove, jessie
🌍 cool new book on UX design
lookie here what i got from the library during an afternoon experimental jazz showcase B)

i suck reading and usually just do it online, but since i was already at the library, i found a semi-recent book about UX (user experience). this that computery business stuff your old friend jessie likes to participate in. i read about 55 pages of this so far and it's pretty good because the dude who wrote it is pretty real. hope i learn something cool.also i'm gonna see a new band called fish monger today, they're playing a local bar. i already know they're gonna be great because it's just an amalgamation of prominent halifax scene members. i'm gonna bring my book and read during downtime (while potentially enjoying a glass of wine :] )see you.